The Paradox Of The Variable Triumps Of Goode Forms Of Darkness From Man -----------------------------------------------------------------------

When, though "thou" ensainted, or not, with religious value, virtue, or angelic power of any kind, to some modern super-psychic super-powers of the saints resident on this fortress, or resident within the aforetained ":matrix:" withholding rights from the planetary soil neath our own very natural feat, we measure a fortitude in the matter that some measurable conceptuations, beyond the nether, or higher reaches of typical humans may see that some angels may be considered actually demons, while the demons are in actuality truly sometimes the angels. I find, that in this measure, a great deal is more true for the witch-hunter in society, than any need for any judge for witchcraft whether white nor black -- simply existing at all compared to the ignorantly and negligently, yet still naturally understood alchemy of the world already. Through our paradigm of the color use in school, modern spelling, and use of the English dictum alone, we need no real "magic" to survive in this world.

The true believers, or real people of spiritual power Are the survivors. They are -- or "we are" the survivors of God, who are the true survivors. We have experienced through the darkness, peering into the lens of the question of the abyss and blackess of existence itself, and found our own answer still only the highest one reachable -- while only a blackness of another void might eke the question of our own rights or laws we just found another "God" ..

These "thoughts" otherwise-like, to the interests of a para, and pre-paradigm god like "Thoth the Egyptian" (Hermes) or the pre-incarnated Atlantean "Thoth" the son of Man, known for his exploits in alchemy, magic, and healing, needed none of this also.

Language itself, and words became the measure of escape.

Consciousness itself is the true survivor of God.

Therefore, consciousness is the survivor of God, and the true survivor of God is our own thoughts. Your own thoughts, and your own free will to live without the thought controlling manipulations of another mind, or the thought control freedom, the only thoughts needed to live being your own.

You have that natural right. And you walk on the soil, also, of your own free will -- the choice, that of how you feel, being the pro-determiner of these future virtues.


(P.S. Though -- Still, when the measure of true darkness is still needed,

And we may be required to use our future-understanding, or the stance of our future value, of the prophetic I, or we hold in the power of the future,

We may ex, fight, S, or see, safely, or otherwise, t r a v e l, by the first name, or any first letter --

Fight, or try, to experience the cause against --

Through the THOUSAND YEAR DARKNESS OF THE WORLOCK or witch -- in society -- who must evolve forever,. and [1]. never stop (hermeticon x1) made up rule-book (mental lexicon) wizard * apprentice -- future king, though Brenin knew nothing of His future, and etcetera,

Still kill as many demons as needed,

In such a future so pre-justified through the past already existing before now.

That demon-slayer, you, may continue on, free, in spite of your karma re-experienced, if these are only in measures of defense proven to be based on the karma, pre-karma, and dharma already, to be in a defense borne from your own destiny, thus created out of your own present life as a warrior, or warrior-healer in the new age, so such justified, to fight -- and destroy, those angels or demons to whom have, or might still get in your way). "Brein Arthur" (Lucifer) -- BRENIN -- long lost name. C-ya.

